Managing Open Innovation
Course provider
Copenhagen Business School, MBD
This course provides the foundation for managing open innovation processes in firms. Comparing closed to open innovation approaches, the course focuses on outside-in open innovation processes, i.e. sourcing external knowledge from and collaborating with users, universities, suppliers, competitors, and the like for generating innovation. Moreover, the course discusses the interplay between innovation, exploration, exploitation, and search, and the growing importance of efficient search approaches across widely distributed sources of innovation. More specifically, we will discuss the concepts of local vs. distant search and related search methods for accessing and leveraging innovation-relevant knowledge.
Practical information
Course provider
Copenhagen Business School, MBD
Course provider contact information
Contact the study administration
Phone number: 38 15 30 60
Course language
Feb. 27, 2023
Course duration
We cannot specify the duration of the course, but go to the course providers to read more.