Modelling and Analysis of Data - DIKU
Course provider
Københavns Universitet
- Copenhagen
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic and broad introduction to the representation, analysis, and processing of sampled data. The course will introduce the student to statistical analysis, mathematical modelling, machine learning and visualization for experimental data. Examples will be taken from real-world problems, such as analysis of internet traffic, language technology, digital sound and image processing, etc. In addition, the course will provide an introduction to a programming tool suitable for data analysis (most likely one of the following: MATLAB, Python or R).
The student will be able to:
- Apply the least squares method for linear modeling and estimation.
- Analyse sampled data by appropriate mathematical modelling methods.
- Describe certain useful multivariate methods and their use, especially principal component analysis (PCA) and its use in dimensionality reduction.
- Visualise low- and high-dimensional data by simple plots and images.
- Implement simple data analysis and modeling methods.
- Perform the analysis of experimental data using the methods learnt during the course and evaluate the results.
Practical information
Course provider
- Copenhagen
Course provider contact information
Contact the study administration
Tel.:35 33 35 33
Course language
Oct. 10, 2023
Course duration
We cannot specify the duration of the course, but go to the course providers to read more.