Company projects

You can apply for support for company projects whose overarching goal is to promote the development of employee skill-sets and to enhance skills in general beyond the basic technical skill-sets for which the company is responsible. This is exemplified by skill-sets in the areas of digitisation and adaptability.

Kontakt Finanskompetencepuljens sekretariat for at høre, om jeres projektidé ligger inden for rammerne af, hvad der godkendes.

Phone: 3296 4600 or e-mail us at:

Start the project application

Which qualifying themes are the basis for support for a company project?

A business project must develop the participating employees’ skills in at least one of the following areas.

Digital Transformation

The future calls for constant work on understanding and concrete solutions relating to how digitisation, technologies and business development are connected. Being able to work with these areas enables new ways of acting as a company, creating new partnerships and developing the organisation.

Mindset for competence development

Working with the mindset for competence development is about being proactive in terms of how to continuously create development in your work life both yourself and in collaboration with the company. This generates employability, where by knowing your own competencies and qualifications, you become stronger in relation to new societal demands and changes.

Agile working methods

Changes in our environment affect the way companies do business and our forms of cooperation to a greater extent than in the past. Therefore, it is important to have agile working methods in the company to quickly and smoothly adapt to external conditions such as digitisation, new requirements and new competing companies.


Our environment is constantly changing, and it is important to be able to adapt to this, as it is a condition of our work life. A focus on adaptability is very much about preparing employees and management to adapt to changes and work actively with them.

Innovative learning and work skills

New societal changes place more demands on new ways of learning and working, which is about how we learn and work with each other. Therefore, it is important that employees and management acquire new innovative learning and work skills that adapt to the changes.

Guidelines for applying for a company project

The professional representative must always be involved in the application process in order for your application to be approved.

The professional representative must always be involved in the application before it is sent. For example, the professional representative could be the senior union representative, a local union executive committee, etc. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact the Finanskompetencepuljen secretariat for help.

Remember that there is a clear possibility of partial funding, where Finanskompetencepuljen pays for the elements of the project that meet the selected criteria, while you pay for the rest. The more clearly and concretely you can describe this distinction, the better the chance of obtaining partial funding.

It is important to clarify who the course is for and how many employees will participate in the course. For example, “Our target group is IT consultants” or “The course is for 130 participants”. Start and end times for company projects must be specified.

For instance “our target group comprises IT consultants at xxx” or “the course will be held for 130 participants”.

The company can at maximum be paid the amount received from the Board of Directors, corresponding to DKK 250 per employee per year. You must present a specific budget. Please note that catering and transportation are not covered.

The company can at maximum be paid the amount reserved by the board of directors, corresponding to DKK 250 per employee per year.

The allocated funds are part of the collective agreement between Finans Danmark and Finansforbundet, so the company is not entitled to be reimbursed for the part of the pool that is not used in accordance with the guidelines.

Once you have held your company project, you should remember to evaluate it in terms of the goals of the company project along with your professional representative. The evaluation should then be sent to: