Foundations of Behavioral Economics - ØKO
Course provider
Københavns Universitet
- Copenhagen
In this course, we will discuss the psychological foundations of human behavior and their economic implications. The course builds on the introductory course “Psychology of Choice” and lays the foundations for subsequent field courses in which insights from behavioral economics are applied to different areas of economic research (e.g., Behavioral Finance, Science of Behavior Change, or Behavioral Public Economics).
In the course, we will present the empirical regularities that have inspired the development of Behavioral Economics, analyze the key theoretical models that have been brought forward, and discuss a number of applications where insights from Behavioral Economics have contributed to a better understanding of individual behavior and market outcomes.
Practical information
Course provider
- Copenhagen
Course provider contact information
Contact the study administration
Tel.:35 33 35 33
ECTS credits
About ECTS points ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System. This is a system that can be used for credit transfer within higher education abroad or in Denmark.
Course language
Offered to
May 18, 2023
Current level of education
Course duration
We cannot specify the duration of the course, but go to the course providers to read more.