Temporary Suspension of Support from Finanskompetencepuljen. The fund is expected to reopen on April 1, 2025

Foundations of Behavioral Economics - ØKO

Course provider

Københavns Universitet


  • Copenhagen


In this course, we will discuss the psychological foundations of human behavior and their economic implications. The course builds on the introductory course “Psychology of Choice” and lays the foundations for subsequent field courses in which insights from behavioral economics are applied to different areas of economic research (e.g., Behavioral Finance, Science of Behavior Change, or Behavioral Public Economics).

In the course, we will present the empirical regularities that have inspired the development of Behavioral Economics, analyze the key theoretical models that have been brought forward, and discuss a number of applications where insights from Behavioral Economics have contributed to a better understanding of individual behavior and market outcomes.

Københavns Universitet

Practical information

Course provider

Københavns Universitet


  • Copenhagen

Course provider contact information

Contact the study administration
E-mail: efteruddannelse@science.ku.dk
Tel.:35 33 35 33

ECTS credits


About ECTS Credits
About ECTS points ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System. This is a system that can be used for credit transfer within higher education abroad or in Denmark.

Course language


Offered to



May 18, 2023

Current level of education


Course duration

We cannot specify the duration of the course, but go to the course providers to read more.

Københavns Universitet

Determine your level of education

Finanskompetencepuljen offers courses that have prerequisites on your level of education and experience

If you are unsure which courses you can apply for with your current level of education and experience, you can enter your current level of education and see if it gives you access to this course.

The course is at this level Kandidat
Erhvervsfaglige uddannelser
Gymnasiale uddannelser
Voksen- efter og videreuddannelse
The course is at this level Master

The process is that easy

  1. Check out the course

    Explore the numerous options offered by Finanskompetencepuljen and find the course you want.

  2. Talk to your manager

    Initiate a dialogue with your manager. Some companies pay for the time you spend during your education.

  3. Apply for the course

    Apply for the course via Finanskompetencepuljen. We approve financing and contact the course provider

  4. We will contact you

    You will be contacted by the course provider to indicate whether you have been accepted and to subsequently provide all practical information.

Useful information

  • Who can apply

    Everyone employed in a company that is subject to a collective agreement between Financial Services Union Denmark and Finans Danmark can use Finanskompetencepuljen

  • What can I apply?

    You can apply for any of the courses covered by Finanskompetencepuljen. However, the course provider will determine if you are accepted.

  • What does Finanskompetencepuljen cover?

    Finanskompetencepuljen covers the costs of the actual course as well as the materials, e.g. books

  • How often may I apply?

    You can apply for one course per rolling year—calculated from the application date—and up to a maximum of 15 ECTS credits. If you have reached your maximum number of courses and ECTS credits, you must wait a year before applying again.

How do I get started?