Course for employees

As employees in the financial sector, you can have covered the costs of a long list of courses and educational programmes. These are selected especially for those of you who want to be equipped to face the future.

Temporary Suspension of Support from Finanskompetencepuljen

There has been an exceptionally high interest in Finanskompetencepuljen this year. It is encouraging to see that the fund’s support is in demand by both employees and companies in the sector. The purpose of Finanskompetencepuljen is, and always has been, to create offerings that mutually benefit the development of competencies in the sector.

Unfortunately, the demand in 2024 has been so significant that the funds allocated for this year have now been exhausted.

Therefore, the Board of Finanskompetencepuljen had to implement a temporary suspension of grants for Finanskompetencepuljens course offerings. This step has proven necessary because the adjustments to grants introduced earlier this year have not been sufficient. The temporary suspension includes grants for educational activities for both individual courses and company courses (§ 3). The suspension will take effect from September 30, 2024.

There will still be an opportunity to apply for grants for company projects (§ 2).

Finanskompetencepuljen stems from a collective agreement between Finans Danmark / Employers and Finansforbundet, and it is important to be able to reopen the fund with clarity regarding its offerings and courses.
As negotiations between Finans Danmark / Employers and Finansforbundet will take place early next year, the temporary suspension of course applications is, for now, agreed to remain in place until April 1, 2025.
The Board regrets the inconvenience this temporary suspension may cause but looks forward to reopening the competency development offerings that both employees and companies are demanding.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

29 search results
Course title Location
  1. IT

    Advanced Deep Learning

    Deep learning has pushed the boundaries in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has been outperforming the state-of-the-art in numerous applications across a wide …

  2. Financial competency and consultancy

    Advanced Empirical Finance: Topics and Data Science - Øko

    This course considers challenges in the empirical analysis of a range of topics in advanced finance. The course relates to the finance …

  3. AI and Machine Learning, IT

    Advanced Topics in Machine Learning - DIKU

    The purpose of this course is to expose students to selected advanced topics in machine learning. The course will bring the students …

  4. Data Science and Big Data, IT

    Applied Machine Learning - NBI

    The goal of this course is to give the participants an understanding of the technologies in computer systems for Big Data analysis …

  5. Software Development, IT

    Applied Programming (APP) - DIKU

    The purpose of the course is to introduce the programming language C/C++, key programming concepts in a scientific context, and guidelines for …

  6. Data Science and Big Data, IT

    Applied Statistics: From Data to Results - NBI

    The course will give the student an introduction to and a basic knowledge of statistics and data analysis. The focus will be …

  7. Financial specialisation, Cooperation and relations

    Behavioral finance for financial market professionals - SAMF

    Behavioral finance has profoundly shaped the way in which economists think about financial decision making. This course offers an exploration of behavioral …

  8. Financial competency and consultancy, Cooperation and relations, Financial specialisation, Cooperation and relations

    Behavioural Finance

  9. Financial competency and consultancy

    Business Finance

    Den finansielle værktøjskasse Kurset henvender sig til alle, der ønsker at forstå det finansielle område. Du får praktisk kendskab til de grundlæggende …

    Online, Copenhagen
  10. Language

    Danish Conversation Course

    If you have a Danish CPR number and have been in Denmark for less than 5 years, you are probably entitled to …

    Online, Copenhagen
  11. Language

    Danish Online Course

    If you have a Danish CPR number and have been in Denmark for less than 5 years, you are probably entitled to …

  12. Language

    Danish Standard Course

    If you have a Danish CPR number and have been in Denmark for less than 5 years, you are probably entitled to …

  13. Financial competency and consultancy, Data Science and Big Data, Financial specialisation, IT

    Data-Driven Financial Models - DIKU

    The course gives the student a thorough introduction to financial theory, financial markets and products. Besides theory, students will be introduced to …

  14. Data Science and Big Data, IT

    Data: Law and Ethics

    This course examines the socio-political, ethical and legal contexts of data by investigating a range of recent data controversies. In this course …

  15. IT

    Ethical Hacking

    In this course you will gain the skills necessary to become a security analyst/penetration tester. You will have already taken an introductory …

  16. Financial competency and consultancy

    Foundations of Behavioral Economics - ØKO

    In this course, we will discuss the psychological foundations of human behavior and their economic implications. The course builds on the introductory …

  17. Organisation, management and strategy, Business development, Innovation

    International Change Management

    This course provides the student with a set of methods and tools for responding to strategic changes in the international business of …

    Online, Copenhagen
  18. Data Science and Big Data, IT

    Introduction to Data Science - DIKU

    The purpose of the course is to introduce non-Computer Science students to probabilistic data modeling and the most common techniques from statistical …

  19. IT

    Introduction to social data science

    The objective of this course is to learn how to analyze, gather and work with quantitative social science data. Increasingly, social data …

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Financial competency and consultancy

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Cooperation and relations

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Organisation, management and strategy

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Fokus på senkarriere

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Karriereudvikling er aldrig for sent. Grib muligheden for også præge og udvikle i den sene del af arbejdslivet.

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55-årige Kirsten: "Jeg er altid helt høj, når jeg kommer hjem fra et kursus"

Kirsten Savnik har gennem hele sin karriere styrket sine faglige kompetencer med efteruddannelse og gør det fortsat som senior

Bliv inspireret

Sådan ansøger du

Find det kursus, der passer til dig, tage en snak med din leder og send os en ansøgning.

Søg på relevante kurser

The process is that easy

  1. Check out the course

    Explore the numerous options offered by Finanskompetencepuljen and find the course you want.

  2. Talk to your manager

    Initiate a dialogue with your manager. Some companies pay for the time you spend during your education.

  3. Apply for the course

    Apply for the course via Finanskompetencepuljen. We approve financing and contact the course provider

  4. We will contact you

    You will be contacted by the course provider to indicate whether you have been accepted and to subsequently provide all practical information.

Useful information

  • Who can apply

    Everyone employed in a company that is subject to a collective agreement between Financial Services Union Denmark and Finans Danmark can use Finanskompetencepuljen

  • What can I apply?

    You can apply for any of the courses covered by Finanskompetencepuljen. However, the course provider will determine if you are accepted.

  • What does Finanskompetencepuljen cover?

    Finanskompetencepuljen covers the costs of the actual course as well as the materials, e.g. books

  • How often may I apply?

    You can apply for one course per rolling year—calculated from the application date—and up to a maximum of 15 ECTS credits. If you have reached your maximum number of courses and ECTS credits, you must wait a year before applying again.

How do I get started?