Financial competency and consultancy
Courses in the fields of financing and consultancy give you the tools you need to ensure the quality of your everyday work and prepare you to cope with the financial requirements of the future.
Advanced Empirical Finance: Topics and Data Science - Øko
This course considers challenges in the empirical analysis of a range of topics in advanced finance. The course relates to the finance course on “Corporate Finance and Incentives”, the volatility …
Behavioral finance for financial market professionals - SAMF
Behavioral finance has profoundly shaped the way in which economists think about financial decision making. This course offers an exploration of behavioral finance principles tailored for financial practitioners. You will …

Behavioural Finance
Business Finance
Den finansielle værktøjskasse Kurset henvender sig til alle, der ønsker at forstå det finansielle område. Du får praktisk kendskab til de grundlæggende finansielle begreber, du møder i din kontakt med …

Data-Driven Financial Models - DIKU
The course gives the student a thorough introduction to financial theory, financial markets and products. Besides theory, students will be introduced to practical problems faced by Financial Engineers through a …
Foundations of Behavioral Economics - ØKO
In this course, we will discuss the psychological foundations of human behavior and their economic implications. The course builds on the introductory course “Psychology of Choice” and lays the foundations …
Science and Behavior Change - Samf
Over the last 30 years, behavioral scientists have gained a deeper understanding of what motivates people, how they process information, and what non-economic features of the choice environment influence decisions. …
Sustainable Transformation and Circular Economy
The course offers the students knowledge about theories and concepts underlying the circular economy and present current and past developments of the area. It will enable them to assess and …